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Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hello New Backsplash

No too long ago Nate and I decided we needed a slight kitchen update. We decided that we might as well do what we can before the day comes that our expenses go to other more important things. We started with updating our kitchen cabinets. When we originally bought our house we attempted to stain them, but that didn't work out as planned. Plus once we started to stain one we didn't think the dark stain went all that well with our chocolate brown walls. So, needless to say we kept them just as they were for about a year. In true fashion we had project fever. Did I mention I have a love-hate with projects ? After a long weekend of transforming our cabinets, all was good in the world of the princess and the pro. (I will mention that we bought this awesome easy-but tiring cabinet painting kit....we stretched it enough that we were able to paint both bathroom cabinets as well as the one in our laundry room.)

Here is the before:

(I must admit I'm the world's worst 'before' pictured taker. I guess I just get so antsy for the final product that I forget the before stage and just look forward to the end. Please excuse the mess in the first few pictures. It was project time people! Clean, shmean psh!) You can see, certainly not bad looking cabinets, but we definitely are into the more 'updated' look.

And After:

 Okay, Okay you caught me again... I got a little over anxious just to take a picture of the after that I didn't even bother cleaning the counters. You get the idea though! Hard to tell from the pictures but the cabinets are actually an in between chocolate brown and black. We were afraid the dark color would make the room super dark since our walls are already dark, but we LOVE the look!

Now I'm sure you're wondering, 'I thought this was post was about a back splash?' You are right! Since painting the cabinets, flash-forward a few months and ta da.....I give you our new back splash! I would LOVE to take the credit of this project, but I must give ALL the credit to the PRO. He did this project all on his own. (Which is probably a great thing. While, we have very similar personality characteristics, one thing that I am not great at is: measurements, planning when measurements are involved and being patient when measurements are involved. Yup, you might as well not ask me because I am NOT the girl for the project. The Pro on the other hand.....GREAT at this! I'm talking about the man who literally mapped out- with measurements included how he would put up Christmas lights. And no, mapped out is not a figure of speech in this case, he actually drew a sketch of the roof and....ok, you get the picture, another story for another time. I digress.)


The Pro hard at work:


Doesn't it look so much better?!?! We love it so much! Please remember I helped pretty much, well not at all....but this was such an easy project!! Okay, so it seemed! Very affordable too! If you're on a budget and wanting a simple update, let me know, I'm willing to negotiate manual labor straight from the pro himself. Ok, just kidding. (Sorta, I already tried to quote my mom...the pro wasn't too thrilled to know I contracted him out!) But seriously, it was very affordable, we got everything at Home Depot, started and finished the project in just one weekend. It looks amazing (Yes, I am a little biased) and the Pro did such a wonderful job! Good thing for husbands who are willing to plan, measure and have patience!

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